​​​​​​​​​​Spon​sorship & Exhibition​

Thank You To Our Sponsors!

Fermentis Logo
ABS Commercial Logo 
Zee Loeffler Logo 
First Key Consulting Logo 
Hopsteiner Logo
Lallemand Logo 
Haas Logo ​
BSG Logo 
Wyeast Logo 
Trucent Logo
Pentair Logo 
White Labs Logo 
DSM logo 
Yakima Chief Hops Logo 
Weber Scientific Logo 
​​Join The American Society of Brewing Chemists and Master Brewers Association of the Americas in Providence, Rhode Island from August 14-16 - you'll ​meet brewers from across the globe and ​learn from the best and brightest in the industry. To learn more about any of the sponsorship opportunities available, reach out to Brianna Plank​, VP Business & Strategic Development​​.​ ​Exhibits are sold out! If you are interested in joining our waitlist, please reach out to Rachel Alvarado via our contact us page!​

Reserve a Sponsorship

Exhibit Hours* ​​

Exhibit Move In​

Saturday, August 13: ​1:00pm - 6:00pm ET​

Sunday, August 14: 8:00am - 4:00pm ET

​​Exhibit Hours​​

Sunday, August 14: 4:30pm - 6:30pm ET​
Monday, August 15: 9:45am - 6:30pm ET
Tuesday, August 16: 9:15am - 1:00pm ET

Exhibit Move Out

​​Tuesday, August 16: 1:00pm - 5:30pm ET

​​Registration list scam warning!
As an exhibitor or sponsor of Brewing Summit 2022, be aware that you may be contacted by outside vendors that do not have a partnership with Brewing Summit, Master Brewers and/or ASBC. Do not share credit card or personal information with any vendors who are not approved by Master Brewers and ASBC. Our official partners ​are the only entities responsible for Brewing Summit 2022. If you have any questions, please contact us.​​